Working from… anywhere?!

Working from home, perhaps the new normal for many courtesy of the Coronavirus! So, how have you found it? Thought you’d hate it but love it? Thought you’d love it but hate it? It’s an adjustment that’s for sure!

Freelance content marketers often work from home, it’s the ideal vocation for that particular environment; all you need is a laptop and an internet connection essentially. There’s little point in hiring office space for you, yourself and a computer screen, (and a coffee pot!).

Breaking the rules...

When I first became a freelance writer, I felt it necessary to keep to my usual working hours and behaviours; Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 5pm, using my local office space, commuting to and from daily, utilising systems and software I’d always known, and ultimately, encompassing the employee mentality. It took me a few months to realise that I was in fact my own boss.

It dawned on me one day, when my day unfolded as such, that it would be best to simply do my work from home. I started earlier as I was already at “the office”, therefore I finished earlier. Not only was my 30-minute each-way commute eradicated, there were less distractions from co-workers and no communal duties to perform. 

My initial chosen office space had been my previous place of work; we’re great friends and as my business worked with theirs, we complimented each other, so I was granted a desk to park in and out of. I loved being there for its social benefits, and the collaborative nature was wonderful. I’ve always been someone who likes to sound board; discussing ideas, pitching in to other people’s, and fully immersing myself into my clients’ purpose. So although the time-saving elements of working from home were great, I did miss the interactive environment. I consequently chose instead, one day a week where I would bring Flossy to their office.

From then on, I’d work from my kitchen, bedroom desk and garden table (weather depending), then head into the city for my chosen one day. I spent weeks abiding by this routine before deciding to pack up my rucksack and head to a coffee shop to do some writing. I was finding I could perform the smaller tasks, and those of a repetitive nature, easily from home, but when it came to writing at length, I would struggle to get in the zone

The New Normal

That day, I left the coffee shop inspired and revitalised having written some great pieces, enjoyed a much better coffee than my instant at home, and spent some time experiencing Bristol. From then on I’d utilise the abundance of creative spaces around the city most days. Breaking the norm and venturing out gave my mind the space and energy to delve into my clients work with fresh perspective, all while rejuvenating my creativity and sense of work satisfaction. 

Unless you take the time to get out and embrace what your location, industry, community etc has to offer, being a freelancer can become quite a lonely existence. Days will run away from you, you’ll spend an unhealthy amount of time within your own four walls, and you’ll quite honestly become stale work-wise. 

Having moved from Bristol to Bude, in addition to the coffee shops on offer, I’ve since brought Flossy to the beach, parks, the canal and hotel lounges, not to mention going international on trips abroad!

You Do You

Where possible I believe it’s important to create a working environment that suits you as an individual. Some people think they couldn’t work from home for lack of discipline, some need management in order to be productive, but for those who love autonomy, freelancing is fantastic. The possibilities to innovate a space whereby you are happy, creative and productive are endless. Why work from the same place you eat, relax or sleep if you can incorporate yourself within a vibe that allows, if not encourages, your best work?!

Some of my favourite writing has come from open spaces whilst over-hearing the riveting conversations of others, or a window seat looking out upon the world going by. No matter what your industry, people and the world around you can give you inspiration, energy and moments of genius that familiar spaces just can’t. 

Not only can your work location vary though, I found this way of thinking then spread to other areas of my business:

  • How do you want to conduct meetings? Hiring office space or at the local cafe? Perhaps you’re a regular and can strike up a deal with the owner for your business meetings even!

  • How do you want your communication with clients to look? Formal or casual-friendly? You are your brand.

  • What do you want your client base to look like? Do you say “yes” to every enquiry or do you choose the projects you’ll enjoy and thrive in? 

Once you come to terms with your new normal, your working style can really open up. 

So, if you see me with a laptop in an unusual place, Flossy Notes is most probably onto something!

How do you boost your motivation at work? Which environments produce the best version of you?

#FlossyNotes #ForTheLoveOfFreelance #WorkFromHome


Lockdown Blessings


For the Love of Freelance